Selasa, 28 November 2017

Condom Types - Sizes, Shapes and Special Features

There's nothing dull about safe sex, particularly when it comes to the vast selection of condom types offered by the protection market. This is good news, as safe sex is a vital component of penis health, as is a vibrant and flourishing sex life. Condoms come in different sizes and shapes, and some have special features. Some of a couple's decision-making process about which protection to opt for will be based on safety considerations, and others on preference. This guide to the three S's - sizes, shapes and special features - will help men get their bearings in the condom aisle, and both partners' rocks off in the bedroom.


Choosing the appropriate condom size for a man's penis is important both for comfort and safety. Too much or too little room can lead to slippage and/or breaking. There are condom size charts men can use that require them to measure the circumference of their members and match this up with a condom size.

As a general rule of thumb, men with penises with a circumference under 4.7" may want to opt for smaller varieties. A girth between 4.7" and 5.1" will likely be best accommodated by regular condoms. A circumference beyond 5.1" usually merits larger condoms.


The shape of a man's condom is also worth considering, both for safety and for fun. The following are standard shapes:

- Straight: Straight condoms feature a uniform width up to the rounded end, which contains a reservoir tip for catching semen (this should be pinched when the condom is put on to avoid an air bubble that may burst during intercourse). These work for most people, but may not be comfortable or secure for men whose penis girth varies notably from shaft to head.

- Flared: This condom variety has more headroom, tapering narrower down to the base of the shaft. Some men find the extra room at the top more comfortable; these may also be best for men with large heads and shafts that narrow toward the base.

- Snug: The snug fit condom contours around the head of the member, then tapers to fit nice and snug underneath it along the shaft. Men on the smaller end of the spectrum may find these ideal.

Special Features

Condoms come with several features that couples can consider trying out. These include:

- Lubricant: One of the main causes of condom breakage is lack of adequate lubrication. While some couples enjoy putting lube on separately, others like to have it included on the condom itself.

- Spermicide: Spermicide is a chemical that kills sperm, and may boost a condom's ability to prevent pregnancy. On the downside, it can irritate the penis and/or the vagina.

- Texture: Some condoms come equipped with special textures like ribs, twists or studs that manufacturers claim will boost her pleasure, though there's no hard science supporting this claim. Couples should discuss whether these are something they'd like to experiment with.

- Warming/tingling additives: Some couples like to add some heat to the sex act, literally. While warming or tingling ingredients can certainly create a new experience, they also have the potential to irritate the sensitive sensual skin of both men and women.

Condoms aren't the only valuable products a man can place on his pecker. Some men find a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to be a beneficial addition to their care regimens. A cream packed with essential nutrients like L-arginine and vitamin C can help promote healthy circulation, supporting performance ability. Also look for Shea butter and vitamin E on the ingredient list - these moisturizers will restore softness and hydration to penile skin that has seen its fair share of friction throughout a night of vigorous use.

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